
UDMI / Docs / Tools / Sequencer

Sequencer Setup

The UDMI sequencer tool monitors a sequence of messages from a device’s stream and validates that the composition of sequential messages is compliant with the UDMI Schema

  1. Ensure you have deployed the necessary cloud functions to your GCP project
  2. Add a new GCP IoT Core registry with a registry ID of UDMI-REFLECT.
    • Use udmi_reflect as the Pub/Sub topic for both the device telemetry and **device state
    • This serves as a reflector of the MAIN IoT registry combining all messages published into a single stream.
  3. Create credentials for a reflector ‘device’ (there is no actual, physical device):
    • On your local machine, run mkdir validator in the intended site_model directory.
    • Run bin/keygen RS256 validator to create a public and private key.
  4. Add a new device to the UDMI-REFLECT registry with the following configuration:
    • device_id: Use the <Registry ID> as defined in Site Model for the devices to be tested.
    • auth_key: Use the public key you just created from validator/rsa_public.pem

Running Sequencer

To run the sequencer, run the command from the top-level of the site_model directory, with an optional device serial number:


It’s a good idea to make sure everything is setup properly by initially running the sequences against the pubber reference. Specifically note the troubleshooting section.


To increase the logging verbosity add a -v at the beginning of the command options, or add another -v or just -vv to add even more details.

Adding a specific test names (e.g. broken_config) to the end will trigger just those explicitly specified tests:

username@hostname:~/udmi$ bin/sequencer -vv udmi_site_model bos-udmi-proto AHU-1 broken_config

The sequence test that’s being tested will be included along with many log messages, e.g.:

$ fgrep broken_config -r sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/ | head
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/config_system_2022-08-12T20:33:57.073Z.json:    "sequence_name" : "broken_config"
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/local_system_2022-08-12T20:34:10Z.json:    "sequence_name" : "broken_config"
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/config_update_2022-08-12T20:34:12.419Z.json:      "sequence_name" : "broken_config"
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/local_config_2022-08-12T20:33:57Z.json:      "sequence_name" : "broken_config"
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/local_system_2022-08-12T20:33:52Z.json:    "sequence_name" : "broken_config"
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/config_system_2022-08-12T20:33:55.191Z.json:    "sequence_name" : "broken_config"
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/system.log:2022-08-12T20:33:54Z DEBUG pubber State update (broken_config)
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/system.log:2022-08-12T20:33:56Z DEBUG pubber State update (broken_config)
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/system.log:2022-08-12T20:33:59Z DEBUG pubber State update (broken_config)
sites/udmi_site_model/out/devices/AHU-1/tests/broken_config/config_system_2022-08-12T20:34:12.396Z.json:    "sequence_name" : "broken_config"

Example Output

An example output (using the pubber device), looks something like:

username@hostname:~/sites/bos-udmi-proto$ ~/udmi/bin/sequence bos-udmi-proto FAUX-01
Using pubber with serial sequencer-29581
Writing config to /tmp/validator_config.json:
  "project_id": "bos-udmi-proto",
  "site_model": "/home/username/sites/bos-udmi-proto",
  "device_id": "FAUX-01",
  "serial_no": "sequencer-29581",
  "key_file": "/home/username/sites/bos-udmi-proto/validator/rsa_private.pkcs8"
Writing pubber output to pubber.out
bin/pubber /home/username/sites/bos-udmi-proto bos-udmi-proto FAUX-01 sequencer-29581
Waiting for pubber startup 1...
Waiting for pubber startup 2...
Waiting for pubber startup 3...
Waiting for pubber startup 4...
INFO daq.pubber.Pubber - Connection complete.
Parsing /tmp/validator_config.json:
  "project_id": "bos-udmi-proto",
  "site_model": "/home/username/sites/bos-udmi-proto",
  "device_id": "FAUX-01",
  "serial_no": "sequencer-29581",
  "key_file": "/home/username/sites/bos-udmi-proto/validator/rsa_private.pkcs8"
Target project bos-udmi-proto
Site model /home/username/sites/bos-udmi-proto
Target device FAUX-01
Device serial sequencer-29581

> Task :compileJava
Note: Some input files use or override a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 7.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.
See https://docs.gradle.org/6.8.2/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings

2 actionable tasks: 2 executed
-rw-r--r-- 1 username primarygroup 34284160 May 24 22:14 build/libs/validator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar
Done with validator build.
java -cp validator/build/libs/validator-1.0-SNAPSHOT-all.jar org.junit.runner.JUnitCore com.google.daq.mqtt.validator.validations.WritebackValidator
JUnit version 4.13.1
Writing results to /home/username/udmi/out/devices/FAUX-01/RESULT.log
Validating device FAUX-01 serial sequencer-29581
[main] INFO com.google.bos.iot.core.proxy.MqttPublisher - proto-dev token expiration sec 3600
[main] INFO com.google.bos.iot.core.proxy.MqttPublisher - proto-dev creating client projects/bos-udmi-proto/locations/us-central1/registries/UDMI-REFLECT/devices/proto-dev on ssl://mqtt.googleapis.com:8883
[main] INFO com.google.bos.iot.core.proxy.MqttPublisher - proto-dev creating new jwt
[main] INFO com.google.bos.iot.core.proxy.MqttPublisher - proto-dev connecting to mqtt server
[main] INFO com.google.bos.iot.core.proxy.MqttPublisher - proto-dev adding subscriptions
[main] INFO com.google.bos.iot.core.proxy.MqttPublisher - proto-dev done with setup connection
.2021-05-25T05:14:40Z starting test pointset_etag
2021-05-25T05:14:40Z sending system_config
2021-05-25T05:14:40Z sending pointset_config
2021-05-25T05:14:40Z sending system_config
2021-05-25T05:14:40Z updated system loglevel 400
2021-05-25T05:14:40Z sending pointset_config
2021-05-25T05:14:40Z updated pointset config_etag 1621919680268
2021-05-25T05:14:40Z waiting for etag 1621919680268