
UDMI / Docs / Guides / Workflow

UDMI Validation Workflow

The overall UDMI project validation workflow generally looks like this:

  1. Login to the GCP account using gcloud auth application-default login
  2. Setup a site_model in a git repo with appropriate configuration and metadata.
  3. Run registrar with no specified project to validate metadata.
  4. Use keygen as necessary to generate keys.
  5. Run registrar tool again with a cloud project to actually register devices.
  6. Do the needful to get data flowing from devices.
  7. Run validator to validate that the devices are producing the correct data.

It is strongly recommended to go through all of these steps with one or two test devices, rather than trying to take on an entire site without fully vetting the workflow and tools. The pubber tool can be used to mock out devices in lieu of physical devices, this is very useful for isolating problems between a cloud-configuration issue vs. a device configuration one.

An example site directory, as a reference, is available at udmi_site_model.