
UDMI / Docs / Cloud / GCP / Cloud Setup

Cloud Setup

  1. Identify an existing GCP to host the system, or acquire a new one if necessary.
  2. Identify a GCP IoT Core registry you would like to use, or create a new one if necessary
    • Refer to GCP IoT Core Getting Started for additional information
    • Search for IoT Core in the GCP Console
    • Click Enable
    • Click to create a new Registry
  3. Assign PUB/SUB topics to the registry as described in the Message Walk Guidance. If the topics do not exist, create them
    • Set the default Cloud Pub/Sub topic for the registry to the topic udmi_target
    • Set the Device state topic (may be hidden under Advanced Options) to udmi_state
  4. Install the Google Cloud SDK in order to be able to use some of the tools included, such as the registrar tool
    • Follow the guidance on Google Cloud SDK installation documentation
    • Once installed, configure the application default credentials using end-user credentials (gcloud auth application-default login).
    • Select the project your registry resides in using gcloud config set project <YOUR_PROJECT_ID>
  5. Ensure the authenticated user has at minimum the following IAM permissions in order to use the the validator and registrar tools
    • IoT Core Provisioner
    • Pub/Sub Editor
  6. Install Cloud Functions