UDMI Overview
The Universal Device Management Interface (UDMI) provides a high-level specification for the
management and operation of physical IoT systems. This data is typically exchanged
with a cloud entity that can maintain a “digital twin” or “shadow device” in the cloud.
By design, this schema is intended to be:
- Universal: Apply to all subsystems in a building, not a singular vertical solution.
- Device: Operations on an IoT device, a managed entity in physical space.
- Management: Focus on device management, rather than command & control.
- Interface: Define an interface specification, rather than a client-library or RPC mechanism.
See the associated UDMI Tech Stack for details about transport mechanism
outside of the core schema definition. Nominally meant for use with
Google’s Cloud IoT Core, it can be applied to any set
of data or hosting setup.
Recommended Workflow
The recommended workflow for UDMI covers using the registrar and
validator tools to configure and test a cloud project. Additionally, the pubber tool
is instrumental in setting up and testing the system independent of actual device setup.
Use Cases
The essence behind UDMI is an automated mechanism for IoT system management. Many current
systems require direct-to-device access, such as through a web browser or telnet/ssh session.
These techniques do not scale to robust managed ecosystems since they rely too heavily on
manual operation (aren’t automated), and increase the security exposure of the system
(since they need to expose these management ports).
UDMI is intended to support a few primary use-cases:
- Telemetry Ingestion: Ingest device data points in a standardized format.
- Gateway Proxy: Proxy data/connection for non-UDMI devices,
allowing adaptation to legacy systems.
- On-Prem Actuation: Ability to effect on-prem device behavior.
- Device Testability: e.g. Trigger a fake alarm to test reporting mechanisms.
- Commissioning Tools: Streamline complete system setup and install.
- Operational Diagnostics: Make it easy for system operators to diagnose basic faults.
- Status and Logging: Report system operational metrics to hosting infrastructure.
- Key Rotation: Manage encryption keys and certificates in accordance with best practice.
- Credential Exchange: Bootstrap higher-layer authentication to restricted resources.
- Firmware Updates: Initiate, monitor, and track firmware updates across an entire fleet
of devices.
- On-Prem Discovery: Enumerate any on-prem devices to aid setup or anomaly detection.
All these situations are conceptually about management of devices, which is conceptually
different than the control or operation. These concepts are similar to the management,
control, and data planes of
Software Defined Networks.
Once operational, the system should be able to operate completely autonomously from the
management capabilities, which are only required to diagnose or tweak system behavior.
Design Philosophy
In order to provide for management automation, UDMI strives for the following principles:
- Secure and Authenticated: Requires a properly secure and authenticated channel
from the device to managing infrastructure.
- Declarative Specification: The schema describes the desired state of the system,
relying on the underlying mechanisms to match actual state with desired state. This is
conceptually similar to Kubernetes-style configuration files.
- Minimal Elegant Design: Initially underspecified, with an eye towards making it easy to
add new capabilities in the future. It is easier to add something than it is to remove it.
- Reduced Choices: In the long run, choice leads to more work
to implement, and more ambiguity. Strive towards having only one way of doing each thing.
- Structure and Clarity: This is not a “compressed” format and not designed for
very large structures or high-bandwidth streams.
- Property Names:Uses snake_case convention for property names.
- Resource Names: Overall structure (when flattened to paths), follows the
API Resource Names guidelines.
Subsystem Blocks
UDMI provides a means to multiplex multiple functional subsystems through the same shared
communication channel. There are a number of subsystems that make up the core UDMI spec:
- Core system messages about the base device itself.
- Device pointset for device telemetry organized by points.
- Optional gateway functionality for proxying device/MQTT connections.
- Local discover for discovering device and network capabilities.
Schema Structure
Schemas are broken down into several top-level sub-schemas that are invoked for
different aspects of device management:
- Device metadata (example) stored in the cloud about a device,
but not directly available to or on the device, defined by metadata.json.
This is essentially a specification about how the device should be configured or
expectations about what the device should be doing.
- Message envelope (example) for server-side
attributes of received messages, defined by envelope.json. This is
automatically generated by the transport layer and is then available for server-side
- Streaming device telemetry, which can take on several different forms, depending on the intended
use, e.g.:
- Device state (example), sent from device to cloud,
defined by state.json. There is one current state per device,
which is considered sticky until a new state message is sent.
is comprised of several subsections (e.g. system or pointset) that describe the
relevant sub-state components.
- Device config (example), passed from cloud to device,
defined by config.json. There is one active config per device,
which is considered current until a new config is received.
A device client implementation will typically only be aware of the state, config, and
one or more telemetry messages (e.g. pointset), while all others are meant for the supporting
An interactive view of the schema is available on https://faucetsdn.github.io/udmi/gencode/docs/.
Using UDMI on a project entails not only the base device and server implementations, but also
properly registering and validating device configuration. The registrar
tool and validator tool provide a means to configure and check site
installations, respectively.